Friday, July 25, 2008

Wanna Throw Your Kid in the Drink?

Well, my friends, it's official: I'm old (full disclosure: I turn 37 next month; my apologies to those of you who are actually, well... old). Spencer Elden, the baby on the cover of Nirvana's 1991 album, nay, American pop-culture landmark, Nevermind is about to enter college. For those of you who were born between 1960 and 1980 and happen to be in the mood for a serious blow to your ego, check out the recent NPR story here.

In the meantime, here's Spencer's take on the whole thing: "Quite a few people in the world have seen my penis, so that's kinda cool." Right on, Spence! We'll see ya at next year's World Naked Bike Ride then, right?

One silver lining: teenagers are still calling each other "dude." I believe it was my parents' generation that cemented that word into the lexicon...

Irrespective of cultural and/or generational significance, the photo, taken by Spencer's dad's underwater photographer friend Kirk Weddle, really is a great image, is it not? Discuss...

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